The quarterly meeting of the North Rhine Band of Hope was held on Tuesday evening, August 29, in the Congregational Chapel, which was completely filled.
At the hour appointed for the meeting, the Rev. R. L. Coward having, been called to the chair, apologised for the absence of Mr. S. Kealley, of Angaston, who had been expected to preside on the occasion.

The programme was as follows:-

Dialogue, by the Misses E. and E. Dansie, "The Beer Jug;" song, by Misses Marsh, Jackman, and Roberts, "Try, Try Again;" Recitation; Miss Emily Dansie, "King Alcohol;" song, Misses G. and S. Leeder, "The Children's Jubilee;" recitation, Miss Denholm, "Be ye Sober;" duet, by Mrs. A. Evans and Miss Keynes, "Hearts and Homes;" recitation, Master George Mullighan, ''The Barrel is a Mighty Foe;" recitation, Mr. Lyon, "The Demon Drink;" dialogue, Messrs. Marsh and Partridge, "Young Australia.''
Mr. R. Marsh next gave an address on the importance of the temperance cause, and was followed by a song by Miss M. Leeder, "Never Forget the Dear Ones;" dialogue, Masters Jackman and Cummings, ''What's the News;" reading, Mr. P. Howard, "The Power of Habit;" song, Misses Jackman and Marsh, "The Cooling Spring;" recitation, Mr. Wm. Player, "Hodge and the Vicar." Next came an election scene by Messrs. Lyon, Partridge, Barrett, and others; song, Miss Keynes, "Say a Kind Word When You Can;" recitation, Miss P. Finn; recitation, Master Wm. Smith, "Oh, the Times are Bad;" solo, Mr. P. Howard, "The Bridge of Sighs;" reading, Miss Dansie, "Are You a Backsliding Teetotaller." A vote of thanks was then accorded to the Chairman and Mr. Howard, of South Rhine, for their kindness in coming to assist, which being duly acknowledged, the meeting was brought to a close by singing "The Eden Above." Several persons signed the pledge as members of the Band of Hope, which, now numbers 200.
South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail
2 September 1871

KEYNETON, October 26.- On Wednesday, October 25, the beautiful grounds and gardens of Evandale presented a most animated appearance, for on that day, the long-talked-of Band of Hope Festival was celebrated, and the weather being all that could be desired, it was numerously attended.
At about 3 o'clock the company began to arrive, and groups were seen wending their way about the beautiful walks and avenues of the nursery grounds.
At 4.30 a most bountiful repast was spread in a large building, which in former years was used for a far different object [wine cellar]. The building was most tastefully decorated with flags, flowers, evergreens, &c...

South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail

28 October 1871

Keyneton, November 13.-The North Rhine Band of Hope and Total Abstinence Society, which was formed about two years ago, have had many difficulties to encounter, but on Monday, November 11, which will long be remembered as a red letter day for the North Rhine, the members rose to the height of their ambition, for on that day the new Temperance Hall was opened. Early In the morning several person could be seen erecting floral arches and fixing other decorations.
   A flag was flying at each corner in front of the Hall - one a large Union Jack, and the other was kindly lent by the German friends, with the inscription, "Keyneton, North Rhine, Evandale," upon it, and by the time the people began to arrive the place presented a gay and animated appearance.
    The weather was not all that could be desired, for several showers of rain fell during the day, which kept many from attending. It was estimated that from 800 to 1,000 persons were on the ground. The first thing on the programme was the bazaar, which was held in the Hall. The stalls were presided over by Mesdames H. Evans, H. A. Evans, Lyon, and Miss Partridge. The goods were tastefully arranged and shown off to the best advantage. At about 2 o'clock the Hall was crowded to excess. One of the principal features of the day was the disposing by lottery of several juvenile grunters [pigs]. They were several times won by persons who had no means to take them home, and were consequently given back again to the bazaar. By this means they were made to bring in more than four times their value. The fun caused by this traffic was immense. The rain very much interfered with the outdoor sports, but I think all managed to enjoy themselves. Mr. Lyon and his assistants did a good trade in the refreshment line, in a booth erected outside. The North Rhine Brass Band was present during the day, and greatly enlivened the proceedings with their music. A public tea meeting was provided at 4 o'clock, at which the seats were filled four different times.
   Great praise is due to those who had so successfully managed the whole affair. The meeting in the evening commenced at about 7 o'clock, the hall being crowded until there was not standing room for a child. Mr. J. H. Angas occupied the chair. After a temperance melody had been sung, and prayer offered by the Rev. B. Edwards, the Chairman made a few remarks as to the origin of the building of the Hall, and of the use it would be to the neighbourhood. The programme was gone through in the following order:-
A prologue, written expressly for the occasion, was read by the Rev. Mr. Coward, for which he was much applauded; overture on the harmonium, Mrs. J. H. Angas; solo, Mr. P. Howard, in his usual good style; recitation, Miss Stewart; song, Misses Leeder, "Lulu," encored, but the Chairman said as the programme was so long he could not allow any encores; reading, Mr. K. Hague; song, Miss Keynes, "Come home, Father," encored so long and so loudly that Miss Keynes had to come forward again, when she played a fantasia on the piano; duet, Mrs. Angas and Miss Hotham; dialogue, Miss T. and Master March, calling forth applause; a recitation composed expressly for the occasion, and recited in a style that took every one by surprise, and much applauded. Miss M. A. Lyons, a little girl, 8 years of age; address, Rev. Mr. Hannay. Mrs. Angas next sang in an affecting style "Too Late;" address, Rev. B. Edwards. Hymn, written for the occasion, was sung by members of Band of Hope; dialogue, Messrs. Wilkinson and Jackman; song, Miss Keynes, "Far Away;" address, Mr. Kealley; dialogue, Wilkinson and Jackman, applauded; song, Mrs. H. A. Evans; Misses Marsh, Roberts, and Jackman, "The Band of Hope;" reading, Miss E. Marsh, "Mr. Candle's Visit to Greenwich Fair;" reading, Mr, Jackman, "Walk into the Auction,'' applauded. The Rev. Mr. Coward here made a short speech, and invited all those who were not teetotallers to come and sign, to which several responded. Mr. Lyon, in a short but appropriate speech, proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman, the ladies, those who had assisted that evening, the Brass Band for their gratuitous services, and also to all that had assisted in any way to the erection of the Hall. This was ably seconded by Mr. Dansie; carried by acclamation. The Chairman returned thanks, and the meeting was brought to a close by the Band playing the National Anthem.

South Australian Advertiser 19 November 1872

Opening of the North Rhine
Temperance Hall

About two years ago a Band of Hope and Total Abstinence Society, which were formed at North Rhine, held their meetings in the Independent Chapel, and to make these gatherings attractive a little of the comic and sensational elements were sometimes introduced, but these were considered out of keeping with the building, consequently the members had to shift their quarters. The only place then available was an empty wine cellar, which was offered by Mrs. H. Evans, of Evandale. But this being required occasionally as a fruit store was not always at the disposal of the Societies; they therefore resolved on erecting a structure with the assistance of some influential friends, among whom might be mentioned Messrs. G. F. Angas, J. H. Angas, M.P., and Mrs. Evans, of Evandale. The members have reached the height of their ambition by completing a Temperance Hall, which was duly opened on Monday.
   Early in the morning several persons worked vigorously in planting trees, forming triumphal arches, erecting a booth for refreshments, and making general preparations. By 11 o'clock the place presented a gay and festive appearance, when the programme commenced with a bazaar. The stalls, which were presided over by Mesdames H. Evans, Lyon, H. A. Evans, and Miss Partridge, were arranged to the best advantage, there being a display of useful and ornamental articles, which presented great attractions, especially to the fair sex. Slight showers prevented many persons who otherwise would have been present and interfered with the sports. One of the chief features of the proceedings was the disposal of sundry pigs by lottery, the winners in several instances giving them back until the animals realized about four times their value.
    The North Rhine Brass Band attended gratuitously, and enlivened the affair. From 2 to 4 o'clock the Hall was crowded, and it is estimated that about 1,000 people were on the ground, such a gathering never having been seen before on the North Rhine. Tea was laid out in the chapel adjoining, and most of the tables were filled three times.
   At the evening entertainment in the Hall Mr. J. H. Angas, M.P., presided. Prayer was offered by the Rev. B. Edwards, and the Chairman having briefly referred to the origin of the Hall, with its intended use, the Rev. R. L. Coward read a printed prologue. The musical portion of the programme was carried out by Mrs. J. H. Angas at the harmonium; Mrs. H. A. Evans and the Misses Hotham and Keynes at the piano; the Misses Leeder, Jackman, Roberts, and Marsh, with Mr. P. Howard, contributing songs.
  The length of the list prevented encores, but 'Father, come Home," by Miss Keynes, was redemanded so long that she was obliged to appear, and played a fantasia on the piano in fine style. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. B. Edwards, J. Hannay, and R. L. Coward, and Mr. Kealley; readings were given by Messrs. Hague, Jackman, and Miss Marsh; recitations by Misses Stewart, Evans, and Lyon; dialogues by Misses S. and H. Marsh, Messrs. Wilkinson and Jackman. Total proceeds, about 90 pounds
South Australian Register
15 November 1872

The Keyneton Hall with Soldiers' Memorial porch (1914-18)
as wedding reception venue
27 March 2011
Pete Thornton photographer 
Reproduced from the Winter 2011 edition

Barossa Living magazine

North Rhine, December 5.-The first anniversary of the Temperance Hall was celebrated on the 3rd.
A large number of people congregated at tea, after which some amused themselves in croquet, cricket, and quoits, whilst others sought the shady nooks of the Evandale pleasure grounds, near the building.
In the evening an entertainment was presided over by the Rev. P. C. Thomas.
The programme opened with an overture by Mrs. J. H. Angas, who also sang 'Once again' and 'The Peri's Pardon'. Mr. C. Marsh recited 'Josh Billings's Experience', Miss Dansie gave 'None but a total abstainer for me', Messrs. Greig and Howard presented a scene; and an original dialogue was rendered by Miss Sophie and Mr. H. Marsh.
An alphabetical piece was performed by 26 boys and girls, each representing a letter. Misses Thyer and Greig, with Messrs. Howard and Greig, gave a chorus, and recitations were contributed by Messrs. Dansie, Lyvies, Fairclough, and Masters Jackman, Fairclough, and Marshall. A short humorous speech from the Rev. R. L. Coward and the report of the Band of Hope concluded the first part of the programme.
The second portion commenced by children singing ' The Crystal Spring,' accompanied on the piano by Mrs. H. A. Evans. A few words of encouragement to those engaged in the temperance cause from the Rev. J. Hannay followed. A song by Miss Leeder, and the scene 'Hard Times,' by Messrs. Wilkinson, Atkinson, and Jackman, came next. A few other pieces were given, and the total proceeds of the affair were 14
pounds [sterling]. The number of abstainers on the books is 292.
South Australian Register
19 December 1873

Country Correspondence.
, April 19.- The annual picnic of the Crystal Spring Rechabite Tent took place on Easter Monday in a paddock lent by Mr. H. A. Evans, adjoining the Temperance Hall. Notwithstanding attractions elsewhere, the fete was well attended. The refresh-
ment booth did a brisk trade, and the Penrice Band enlivened the proceedings during the day and evening. The sports attracted a good deal of attention, especially the one mile walking match and the novel race, which caused much merriment. The course for the latter contest was 200 yards long, divided as follows:-Walking the first 50 yards, running 50 yards, hopping 50 yards, and running on all fours the last quarter of the distance. A public tea meeting in the Temperance Hall was numerously attended, and in the evening a lecture was delivered by the Rev. R. L. Coward on 'John Ploughman's Talk.' Mr. C. Dansie occupied the chair. The speaker ably dealt with the subject, and showed how unreasonably some people talked and relied on imaginary luck and hope. In the second part of the lecture reference was made to the various tempers of man, and chat about work and good wives. The ladies could certainly compliment the speaker for the illustration he gave of the hardships some of the fair sex are suffering from their husbands. Recitations given by Mr. W. Coward were greatly applauded, as was a reading by Mr. J. Jackman. The Secretary of the Tent, Mr. W. Bock, stated that there were 35 members and one honorary member.

South Australian Register
27 April 1876

Burra Record 9 December 1881
Mr. Matthew Burnett.-This gentleman has again returned to Burra after a very successful work in Adelaide, and at some other places... On Monday reached Evandale, where he was the guest of Mrs. Evans, sister of Mr. J. H. Angas, during his stay in that district. On Tuesday evening he took part in the eleventh anniversary of the North Rhine Band of Hope which numbers upwards 500 members. Converts gathered from near and far to the tea and public meeting, which was held in the Temperance Hall under the presidency of Mr. J. H. Angas, J.P, Mrs. J. Angas, and Miss Angas, and a number of their friends sustained the musical and vocal part of the programme. Mr. Burnett spoke on "Annals of the Rescued." The greatest enthusiasm prevailed throughout the meeting, notwithstanding that the majority of the people had taken the pledge, mainly through the indefatigable efforts of Mrs. Evans. Fifty additional names were added to the roll of abstainers. The following night several additional names were handed in, and a number of family cards were distributed. Perhaps there is no district in South Australia so largely permeated with Temperance principles and temperance literature than the North and South Rhine. Mrs. Evans has laboured in the good cause with an enthusiasm and zeal never surpassed in the history of the colony.

Evandale, November 30.-During this week Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Burnett have been the guests of Mrs. Evans, of Evandale. On Tuesday evening Mr. Burnett took part in the anniversary of the North Rhine Band of Hope, which from its commencement has had over 600 members on its roll. On Wednesday he held a torchlight demonstration and temperance meeting at Angaston. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed, and forty-four joined the crusade. On Thursday he conducted evangelistic service at Keyneton, and visited the new Temperance Hotel at North Rhine.
It is on the point of completion, and will prove a great boon to the district...
South Australian Register 2 December 1882