North Rhine Independent Chapel , January 1867
A tea meeting was held in the above place on New Year's Day to which H. Evans, Esq., J.P., of Evandale, was specially invited for the purpose of meeting the residents of the North Rhine, who for some time previously had been making arrangements for presenting that gentleman with some substantial proof of their appreciation of his uniform beneficence and urbanity, to the shape of a service of plate.
   About 120 persons sat down to tea. Tea being over, the chair was taken by the Rev. Mr. Charlesworth, who, after reading notes explaining the absence of G. F. Angas, Esq., and others, who expressed their heartiest concurrence with the movement, stated that it afforded him much pleasure to being called upon to preside on so auspicious an occasion.
He reminded the audience of the many years during which the medical skill of Mr. Evans had been gratuitously rendered, that gentleman having not only given advice gratis, but medicine also at the same reasonable price, and that the money value of those services must have amounted to many hundreds of pounds, which of course was so much clear gain to those who had been allowed to avail themselves of his services.
   The Chairman also remarked that the medical services rendered by their guest to the neighbourhood formed only a part of the series of public services for which all present were more or less indebted. Indeed, it might almost be said of Mr. Evans, as it was said of one of old, "he loveth our country and has built us a synagogue," for, as they very well knew, they were hugely indebted to him for the sanctuary to which they were then assembled [the Independent Chapel].
   The readiness also with which at all times Mr. Evans had assisted in various works of public utility was referred to, and then after a few humorous remarks, several gentlemen at the request of the Chairman addressed the meeting.
   Rev. Mr. Coward specially referred to the unselfishness uniformly manifested by Mr. Evans and the many advantages the neighbourhood had derived from his purse, and skill, and kindly advice.
   Mr. Samuel Smith also referred to many personal acts of kindness received by him at the hands of Mr. Evans, and testified to the open handed liberality of that gentleman.
   Mr. Dansie followed in the same strain, and was succeeded by Mr. Payne, sen., who spoke of several instances in which, under the blessing of God, Mr. Evans had been made of signal service to one and another of the neighbours.
   Mr. W. Heath spoke of the large-hearted beneficence ungrudgingly rendered, and expressed his belief that Mr. Evans had no buttons to his pockets.
   Mr. Penny, sen., also spoke to the same purport, and referred to the common saying of the locality when sickness or difficulty of any kind occurred, "Go to Evandale."
   Mr. Rudolph Graetz, on behalf of the German settlers in the neighbourhood, said he, although only able to speak broken English, would like to say a few words. He, in common with many of his countrymen, was much indebted to Mr. Evans.
On many occasions for himself and family he had sought advice and medicine from Mr. Evans, and he believed that on one occasion Mr. Evans had saved his wife's life. He was very thankful himself, and so were the rest of his countrymen.
Mr. Evans had given them a piece of land for a cemetery, and another piece on which their new Church was built, and to many ways besides Mr. Evans had assisted both English and German, and he was sure that they were all very thankful for what he had done for them.

The Chairman then, addressing Mr. Evans, said- "Sir - In the name and on behalf of the subscribers towards the purchase of this service of plate, and to recognition of the eminent services you have rendered to the North Rhine for many years past, I beg your acceptance of it. I pray that you may be spared many years to enjoy the use of it, that it may remind you and those who shall come after you that a prophet sometimes has honour even in his own country; and that your uniform kindness has not been quite unappreciated, and that when you and we all shall have finished our course here we may meet in the land of the leal-hearted and holy, where it shall be seen that the cup of cold water in no case lost its reward."

Mr. Evans rose and said- "Mr. Chairman, dear friends, and neighbours, it is with mingled feelings of timidity and anxiety that I rise to return you my sincere and grateful thanks for your kindness to me this evening, and as I am sure that I shall experience much difficulty to giving utterance to my feelings. I shall at once cast myself upon your sympathy and indulgence, being assured from your invariable kindness that you will most readily extend it to me on the present occasion. I feel deeply, very deeply indeed, your kindness, expressed as it is not only by words but by deed also. I value as highly as it is possible for a man to do this substantial and beautiful expression of your regard, for it is indeed not only a very beautiful but a useful and valuable testimonial - one which I cannot help being pleased with and proud of. But whilst I thank you, which I do most sincerely for it, I can assure you that I appreciate still more highly those kindly expressions of regard and confidence which have accompanied its presentation; and I am quite sure that Mrs. Evans, to whom you have so considerately alluded, feels your kindness as deeply as it is possible for me to do. She does and will value this elegant service not only on account of its intrinsic worth, for in this respect it is of great value, but because it will prove a constant remembrance to us both of the generous kindness of our dear friends in this district, the district of North Rhine.
   "In reference to the medical aid I have been able to give you from time to time, and to which you have so kindly and emphatically alluded, not only dining this evening, but on former occasions, I feel very much gratified indeed to find that my services have been so highly appreciated by you. It is now I believe somewhat more than 21 years since I arrived in South Australia and settled in this neighbourhood. For many years after our arrival there was no professional medical man nearer than Gawler Town, and during a part of that time none nearer than Adelaide. Now as the progress of disease is exceedingly rapid in a climate such as this it must have frequently happened, before the services of a professional man could have been obtained that the patient would have passed to that borne from whence no traveller returns. Impressed with this consideration, I resolved from the first to give my best assistance to those who settled in the neighbourhood, and I can conscientiously say that I have ever done the best I could, that I have done it willingly, cheerfully, and with all my might. It happened somewhat singularly that my labours commenced on the day of my arrival, for in passing through Angaston - which, by the-bye, was a very different place then to what it is now - now we look upon it as the most beautiful township to the colony, whilst then it consisted of a small unfinished stone house, and a still smaller slab hut of about 10 feet square, then and still known as Immigration Hut. In this small erection resided two families and it was here that I attended my first patient.
Since then my practice has been large - sometimes very large, and occasionally very inconveniently large - still, I have rarely shirked the labour or responsibility that devolved on me, and I have felt it a matter for sincere thankfulness that my labours have almost always been attended with success. I have rarely had to mourn the loss of a patient, and often, very often, have had occasion to rejoice because I have been instrumental in restoring the apparently hopeless and helpless sufferer to health and happiness and the enjoyment of life again - this has often been the source of purest joy to me. With regard to those other matters you have referred to, and to which you state that I have invariably helped the district whenever it had need of my services, you are aware that my means have never been large, still I have done what I could, and the hearty expression of your approbation and appreciation is very encouraging. In conclusion, I must once more request you to receive my very grateful thanks.
   "My thanks are due to every one of you, it will therefore be invidious to particularise; still it appears to me seemly specially to thank those who have provided the ample entertainment we have partaken of this evening, for both the tea and supper have been laid out with an elegance and profusion such as I have rarely witnessed and evidently without regard to cost or labour.
   "Special thanks are also due to those who have taken an active or managing part in all the arrangements connected with the presentation, as also to your respected Chairman and those who with him have given expression to the kindly sentiments of your hearts to-night.
   "Before resuming my seat I have just one favour to ask, and that is that you will convey to those subscribers who are unavoidably absent, my warmest acknowledgements for their liberal contributions towards this magnificent testimonial.
I most heartily reciprocate your kind expressions of regard together with your wishes for a Happy New Year. I trust that it will be indeed a happy and prosperous New Year for you all."

Coffee was then served, after which J.H. Angas, Esq., proposed a vote of thanks to the ladies who had presided at the repast, expressing at the same time the great gratification it had afforded him to being present, and his opinion that very many not resident on the North Rhine, himself included, would, he was sure, have been only too glad to have assisted to the purchase of the service, if the subscription list had not been filled up in that locality exclusively.
   Mr. Wansbrough cordially supported the proposition of Mr. Angas, and said that be had been thoroughly delighted with the proceedings of the day, and trusted that Mr. Evans would live many years to enjoy the service before them, together with the esteem and respect of the people of the North Rhine.
   Rev. J. Gibson, of Angaston, in his usual racy style, seconded Mr. Angas's proposition, and said that while the tea had made him feel benevolent, the coffee had placed him on the very topmost heights of philanthropic feelings. He proceeded to compliment the ladies on the elegance and sumptuousness of the repast, in true Gibsonian style, and expressed his heartiest concurrence with the object of the meeting. The proposition being put, was carried by acclamation, as also were similar compliments to the Chairman, Mr. Tilley, and his choir, with Mrs. J. H. Angas, who presided at the harmonium, and during the evening favoured the meeting with several pieces of music. After singing a verse of the National Anthem, the meeting - one of the happiest ever spent on the Rhine - dispersed, with the conviction that they had at least sought to render honour where honour was due.
South Australian Advertiser 10 January 1867


The Register Saturday April 18, 1868
- The remains of Mr. H. Evans, of Evandale, near Angaston, were conveyed to their last resting place on Thursday afternoon, followed by a long procession of mourners, in carriages and on horse back. The number attending the funeral was an evidence of the great and general grief felt at the death of a kindly hearted gentleman who had lived in the district so long. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. R. L. Coward (Congregationalist), assisted by the Revs. J. Gibson (Congregationalist), and J. L. Parsons (Baptist). We may state that Mr. and Mrs. Evans, with their only son, Mr. Henry Angas Evans, arrived in South Australia on September 12, 1843, in the Madras, accompanied by Mr. J. H. Angas. On November 2, 1843, Mrs. Evans laid the foundation stone of the Angaston Chapel, Mr. Evans delivering an address on the occasion. They took part in the foundation of Angaston, assisted to facilitate its progress at an early date.

Tablets to the Memory
of the Late Mr. Henry Evans, J.P.

Tablets to the Memory of the Late Mr. Henry Evans, J.P.
- An order for two tablets, sent to the marble-works of Mrs. Kellet, Waymouth-street, has been executed in a highly satisfactory manner, and the tablets have been sent to their several destinations to be fixed under the directions of Mrs. Kellet's manager.
   Each tablet represents a sarcophagus of Italian marble, on a black ground. No purely black marble having yet been found in the colony, slabs of Mintaro slate of beautiful colour and highly polished have been substituted with admirable effect.    The tablet to be erected in the church at Angaston has the following inscription:-
This tablet has been placed here by the members of this Church and congregation is a tribute to the memory of Henry Evans, of Evandale, Esquire, J.P., in affectionate appreciation of his services to the came of Christ in this neighbourhood, and of his large-hearted beneficence. He fell asleep in Jesus the 14th day of April, 1868, in the 56th year of his age. A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

The tablet to be erected in the chapel at North Rhine has the following inscription:-
In memory 0f  Henry Evans, of Evandale, Esq., J.P., who died April 14, 1868, aged 56 years. This tablet has been erected by the inhabitants of the North Rhine and vicinity in grateful acknowledgment of many years' skilful and gratuitous medical assistance, and in affectionate appreciation of his large-hearted beneficence and kindly sympathy, combined with his persevering efforts for promoting the public worship of God in this neighbourhood. When the ear heard him then it blessed him; when the eye saw him it gave witness to him.

South Australian Register 26 August 1868